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Session Manager

The Session Manager helps you store, retrieve, and remove session data across multiple requests. You can also configure how long sessions should last by setting a session lifetime value in your .env file.

Session Lifetime

In your .env file, you can add or update the following line to set the session lifetime (in seconds):


This example sets the session to expire after 24 hours (86,400 seconds).

Setting Session Data

Use setSession to store data in the session. Since it's asynchronous, call it with await:

await setSession('userId', 123);

Here, 'userId' is the key and 123 is the value. You can store any kind of data.

Retrieving Session Data

Use getSession to read data from the session:

var userId = await getSession<int?>('userId');

var allSession = await allSessions();

If the key doesn't exist, it returns null. Make sure to handle that in your code.

Deleting a Specific Key

Use deleteSession to remove a single session key:

await deleteSession('userId');

This deletes only the data associated with 'userId'.

Deleting All Session Data

Use destroyAllSessions to clear all session data at once:

await destroyAllSessions();