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Caching is essential for improving the efficiency of data retrieval processes that are CPU-intensive or time-consuming. By storing data temporarily, your application can quickly retrieve this data for subsequent requests. Typical use cases include caching one-time passwords (OTP), database results, and other frequently accessed data.


The caching configuration is found in lib/config/app.dart.

Cache Usage

Obtaining a Cache Instance

To use the caching features, obtain an instance of the Cache class. This class provides straightforward access to the Vania cache mechanisms:

class UserController extends Controller
Future<Response> index() async
String? value = Cache.get('key');
return Response.json();

Retrieving Items From the Cache

Retrieve items using the get method. If the item does not exist, null is returned:

dynamic value = Cache.get('key');

Determining Item Existence

Use the has method to check if an item is present in the cache. This method returns false if the item is either non-existent or its value is null:

bool exists = Cache.has('key');

Storing Items in the Cache

To store items, use the put method. Items can be set to expire after a default duration of one hour or a specified duration:

await Cache.put('otp', otp.toString(), duration: Duration(minutes: 3));

Storing Items Permanently

The forever method stores items indefinitely. Such items must be manually removed with the delete method:

await Cache.forever('key', 'value');

Removing Items From the Cache

Remove items using the delete method:

await Cache.delete('key');

Items can also be effectively removed by setting their expiration to zero or a negative duration:

await Cache.put('key', 'value', duration: Duration(microseconds: 0));