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Request File


Handling user-uploaded files, such as photos and documents, is a common requirement in web applications. The RequestFile class in Vania simplifies the process of storing these uploaded files.

File Uploads

To store an uploaded file, use the store method, specifying the desired storage path:

class UserController extends Controller {
/// Fetch user details
Future<Response> index() async {
Map<String, dynamic>? details =
await User().query().where('id', '=', Auth().id()).first();

return Response.json(details);

Future<Response> updateAvatar(Request request) async {
'avatar': 'file:jpg,jpeg,png',
}, {
'avatar.file': 'The avatar must be an image file.',

RequestFile? avatar = request.file('avatar');
String avatarPath = '';

if (avatar != null) {
avatarPath = await
path: 'users/${Auth().id()}',
filename: avatar.getClientOriginalName); // The file path will be /storage/app/public/users/user_id/filename.jpg

await User().query().where('id', '=', Auth().id()).update({
'avatar': avatarPath,

return Response.json({'message': 'User avatar updated successfully'});

Custom Path

If you need to store a file at a custom path, use the move method. This is useful for placing files in the public directory, allowing them to be accessed directly via URL (e.g.,

String path = await avatar.move('public/users/${Auth().id()}', avatar.getClientOriginalName);